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Recent content by cuhhhris

  1. cuhhhris

    Real World MPG by Owners (gas non-hybrid 4Runner) - Post Yours ⛽️

    Been driving a lot of city lately so i've been TRYING to drive a lot less aggressive with the heavy foot I have. Coming from a 5th gen, it's been getting hard to not push it a little bit with the low end torque we get now with the 6th gen. I'm averaging around 19-19.5 city right now. Been...
  2. cuhhhris

    Road noise?

    As far as cabin noise it is fairly quiet. Haven't noticed anything annoying or obnoxious while driving highway. Only thing you really hear is the turbo and even that is pretty subtle and sounds nice!
  3. cuhhhris

    Real World MPG by Owners (gas non-hybrid 4Runner) - Post Yours ⛽️

    Right now I’m at 17.8, still in break in period, roughly ~400 miles with half of that being highway miles. Running on 87 octane.
  4. cuhhhris

    Bought my Everest TRD Off-Road Premium 2025 4Runner

    This thing is sick man, congrats. Wish they had this color available on the SR5!
  5. cuhhhris

    2025 4Runner 6th Gen OWNERS Registry List & Stats [Add Yours]! đź“Š

    Traded my 5th gen 4runner TRD Pro for this 6th Gen SR5. Hope it’ll be worth it!
  6. cuhhhris

    CUTTING EDGE (Silver) 2025+ 4Runner 6th Gen Thread

    Traded my 5th gen 4runner TRD Pro for this 6th Gen SR5. Hope it’ll be worth it!