Do we think these might fit? I did not have the dealer put on mud flaps and after a few rainy days I can see how the spray hits the driver door and feel something is needed.
Rok Blokz mud flaps
I emailed them and this is the response I got back
This is a fitment we’re super excited about...
I'm with you.... I've never had a problem driving in the last 24 years of driving that I was like oooo thank goodness the seat slides back. If anything I feel bad for my boys in the back.
I'm going to say no...... haven't had a toyota in the last 12 years that did such a thing and after watching every possible video about 4runners from launch until I got mine a month ago I say no videos of the front seats folding. I have an Off Road Premium
yeah those bast@rds at Toyota giving the cheaper model the premium taillights drives me nuts.... however I think the all red looks good but what were they thinking?
waste of money adds zero performance unless doing for looks. Either the skid is going to hold up to the abuse or not. I'm guessing this person did it for the visuals which...... to each their own.
I got the extra's and my gauge cluster still has a bubble or 2 a month later that I'm on the verge of trying again. Main display had bubbles for about 3 days and eventually looked perfect. Get the kit for the 24 Tacoma that includes extra pieces to protect HVAC and transmission
I'd be interested, I had toyota not install mine because I felt I could get a better deal and am looking for someone like you or maybe a different brand.
that's probably going to be a while don't think any have hit the streets yet. Someone did confirm that it's an ARB off the shelf product so if you look you can find it for sale new.
Screen Protech has options for the 4runner and Taco but the Taco for some odd reason comes with protection for the climate and parking, 4wd indicators so that's what I ordered and it worked great
Cali Raised has a LED foglight upgrade that is the same on Tacoma, Tundra and 4Runner