
Recent content by The Lasagnas

  1. The Lasagnas

    Dog cargo liner

    We got the Sport Premium, right at 60K. The dashcam came in ours. I asked the dealer for some all-weather floor mats, and he ordered them for us, but didn't charge us. So I guess I won't complain about the $140 Cargo mat :)
  2. The Lasagnas

    Dog cargo liner

    Damn...My dealer charged us $140 + tax for the weather cargo liner
  3. The Lasagnas

    PIO all weather mats upgrade - do you also get standard carpet mats?

    The salesman threw the all weathers in for us. I bought the all weathers fpr the cargo area @ $140
  4. The Lasagnas

    Anyone test drive and reject their 6th gen upon delivery? [update: took delivery after taking test drive]

    For what it's worth, I'm impressed with the new engines responsiveness. I was worried about it going in, but driving it made me a believer. It's primarily my wife's vehicle, so it wasn't going to be a dealbreaker for me. I've since seen a dyno video on the engine in a Tacoma, and the RWHP were...
  5. The Lasagnas

    What did you do to your 6th Gen 4Runner today?? 👨🏻‍🔧 🧰 🛠

    Painted the tow hooks red. Simple and cool mod. I used Duplicolor Red brake caliper paint. Now to swap out that super cheap cardboard/felt 'Skid Plate'....
  6. The Lasagnas

    My Black TRD Sport Premium is in!

    Congrats!!! We love ours.
  7. The Lasagnas

    Removed Air Dam

    No. To be fair we don't have a baseline with the dam on. We only have right at 200 miles on it altogether
  8. The Lasagnas

    Removed Air Dam

    I don't think so. We're looking at Rival plates now.
  9. The Lasagnas

    BLACK 2025+ 4Runner 6th Gen Thread

    Removed the air dam today. 9 x 10mm bolts. Gotta say it looks alot better. Now, a TRD skid plate is needed.
  10. The Lasagnas

    What did you do to your 6th Gen 4Runner today?? 👨🏻‍🔧 🧰 🛠

    Removed the air dam today. 9 x 10mm bolts. Gotta say it looks alot better. Now, a TRD skid plate is needed.
  11. The Lasagnas

    Removed Air Dam

    We haven't driven it since I took it off just this afternoon. There's a video that shows testing on it with and without, and he lost .8 mpg.
  12. The Lasagnas

    Removed Air Dam

    Thanks! All I've seen is the gray one. If you google it for sale, you'll see some good sales prices on them. Some under 400$
  13. The Lasagnas

    Removed Air Dam

    Removed the air dam today. 9 x 10mm bolts. Gotta say it looks alot better. Now, a TRD skid plate is needed.
  14. The Lasagnas

    Air dam / front chin spoiler removal how-to DIY for 6th gen 4Runner (2025+)

    Very much improved look. I'll be doing it to our Black Sport. And adding a skid plate.
  15. The Lasagnas

    First look: BLACK TRD Sport 2025 4Runner 6th gen

    Here's our black Sport Premium. Got it February 21st.