
Search results

  1. Door Edge Guards - Overall Impression and Removal (Install Video Added)

    My TRD Sport Premium is will be delivered with Door Edge Guards. I am thinking that I am not going to like the look of these and will want to remove them. Does anyone have pics of their TRD Sport Premium or any other trim for that matter that has the door guards. What about post-removal pics...
  2. Impact of 6th Gen Release on 5th Gen Market Value

    I don't know if anyone has actually traded their 5th Gen 4Runner in on the purchase of a new 6th Gen. I know that every car purchase is it's own transaction and a lot goes into what a dealer will give you towards a trade-in, I am not asking about that. I am trying to gauge what the general...
  3. Your Allocated Vehicle Does Not Appear on Toyota.com/Inventory Page

    January 18 - Dealer informs me he has an allocation for what I am looking for. Vehicle does NOT appear on Toyota.com / Inventory. January 18 - We make a deal at MSRP and I place a $1,000 deposit. Vehicle does NOT appear on Toyota.com / Inventory. February 3 - Dealership shares screenshot of...
  4. Visibility Issue created by Hood Scoop on TRD Sport

    Could someone that has taken delivery of a TRD Sport please post a picture from the driver's seat viewpoint looking out through the windshield? I want to see the visibility issue created by the hood scoop. I believe at least one reviewer mentioned this in their review and naturally, that is...
  5. Poll - What will you do with your 6th Gen 4Runner?

    My last 4Runner was lifted, bigger tires, etc. but was never "off road." This new 6th Gen will remain stock, but curious as to the plans of others.
  6. Wireless Charging / Connectivity - Reviews Good or Bad?

    I just watched this review and she gave a thumbs down for the wireless charging. She said it overheated her phone if i understood her correctly? I haven't had time to watch more review. my manager expects me to do work during working hours. Rude. I am wondering if anyone out there has heard...