Never have been a fender flare fan. Has anyone here removed a fender flare on a '25 to see what the body looks like underneath it? If so, is it a smooth appearance that would look fine without having flares? Maybe the factory wheels/tires would stick out too far from the body without the...
How would this setup affect vehicle mileage (mpg) and power?
A solid axiom to follow: Vehicle looks always trump vehicle drivability and efficiency! :cool:
Glad to be here and thank you for the welcome! I owned a '94 4Runner 5M, 3L V6 from '96 through 2009. Loved it, but through Obama's Cash for Clunkers and the need for better efficiency at the time, I traded it (was given $4750 by CforC) towards a 2009 Honda Fit which I still drive today, as my...