i drive primarily in Chicago and in the mountains of Colorado, and in both places we go from snowy to wet to dry to ice constantly. For on road driving, FT 4WD is just way more convenient than shifting in and out of a part time 4WD system.Watched an amazing U tube on full time 4WD vs AWD. I have no knowledge of why Part time AWD may be better for Off Road, that is not my interest, but for the average user, Full time 4WD is superior especially IF there is no loss in MPG.
We have a RAV4 Platinum and 4Runner Sport both with AWD.
- The RAV has to be put AWD and will switch out of it at about 25-30 nonsensical for wet / slippery conditions.
-The 4 Runner AWD is manual selection also but as it has no active differential, so AWD on semi dry roads is a no no, It will judder like crazy in turns since the curve needed by each axle is different. No good for rain after a dry spell or if road conditions are variable in the hills of N. NJ So you get stuck with Rear WD most of the time.
- Full time 4WD has the Jorsen or similar differential that allows the front /rear axles and wheels to rotate at different speeds and as well as changes front to rear ratio so give best traction in all road conditions.
As you say, clearly the best for adverse or good ROAD conditions, maybe not OR.
I had the fulltime 4WD on my BMW 330i and my Subaru Outback V6 (not the viscus coupling CVT version) - they were really solid drives in all weather conditions.
It's a shame the fulltime 4WD is not offered on the TRD Sport